The Atlan King

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This captivating Character Design project was created at the request of an RPG enthusiast client!
It was an entirely novel experience for me to paint a character with blue skin and a wealth of texture. 
Considering Bismark's affinity for aquatic realms, my focus was on portraying a texture reminiscent of moist skin, abundant with reflections and contrasts. Furthermore, I embarked on the task of seamlessly integrating elements that effectively convey Bismark's maritime heritage
Creating this illustration of Bismark was an enriching experience for me. It was within this artwork that I endeavored to blend my personal style with the aesthetics reminiscent of Valorant. The process allowed me to explore new creative dimensions while paying homage to the distinctive visual elements that define both my signature style and the captivating world of Valorant. The result is a harmonious fusion that captures the essence of Bismark's character while showcasing my artistic evolution.​​​​​​​
The magical conch-shell horn is a remarkable artifact of mystic power. When sounded, its enchantment is unleashed, summoning forth a colossal tidal wave that emerges with a resounding thunderous boom. As the horn's magic takes effect, an extraordinary transformation occurs—the water in the vicinity of the wielder is instinctively drawn, coalescing to form a monumental surge. This awe-inspiring spectacle reverberates through the land, causing tremors and prompting the rise of powerful floods​​​​​​​
This magical phenomenon wields a dual influence on those within its reach. Opponents in its path are overtaken by the unstoppable might of the wave, while allies are graced with healing energies. The water, now infused with ethereal vitality, moves with purpose under the guidance of the horn's wielder, who commands this aquatic force through the magical conch-shell. This fusion between wielder and water symbolizes their mastery of aquatic magic—a living emblem of their power. The horn's legend embodies both grandeur and balance, portraying nature's raw might and restorative compassion. Adapting to the horn-bearer's intention, it stands as a representation of duality—harmony and discord, destruction and healing—mirroring life's ever-changing currents.
Bismark also bears a tattoo on his right arm that grants him the ability to conjure powerful cyclones. This skill is primarily offensive and inflicts substantial damage upon his adversaries. However, its usage demands a significant expenditure of the character's energy. The intricate mastery required to harness this capability is a testament to Bismark's depth of skill and understanding of the forces he commands.​​​​​​​
Bismarck unleashes his entire magical energy at once. Using this ability has some steps to it so if you have any questions please let me know. Bismarck begins with holding his trident Aratho upwards with both hands and as he starts to concentrate on the trident the clouds above gather and start a torrential downpour of rain, then the rain drops stop midair and begin to swirl around Bismarck enveloping him in a cyclone that connects the earth to the sky. 
when that cyclone disperses Bismarck appears with a mantle on his shoulders a crown and a flowing cape made of flowing water, His forearms are enveloped with vortex's that explode on impact.
He stabs his trident into the ground as it becomes too heavy with the spirits of the sea, as from the trident itself spirits of whales, fish, leviathans and all sorts of ocean life start to emerge from the trident that start to fly around the field. 

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